A true evergreen among the light effects. Already in the 90's this light effect was one of the most popular units available. Even today the Small Mushroom remains very popular of course with today's technologies. The Small Mushroom Q6 offers the classic effect but equipped with powerful 6-in-1 LED's ensure a wide range of vivid colors. The Small Mushroom Q6 has a built-in processor which ensures a dynamic and accurate sound-to-light function.
Legendary Light FX
6-in-1 LED
Adjustable Sound control
Plug & Play
Light Source LED System: 2 x 12W LED (Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Amber, White) Drive Current: 700mA
Electrical Power Supply: 100~240VAC, 50/60 Hz Power Consumption: 32W
Control Control Mode: Sound Control
Physical Dimensions: 345 x 272 x 294 mm Weight: 2.75Kg Housing: Iron Color: Black Power Connectors: IEC Data Connectors: XLR 3pole Cooling: Fan
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