
Novastar Novastar Multifunction Box MFN300

Item number: PL101611
Hire purchase from EUR9.80 / month
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Finanzierung schon ab 9.80 € / Monat - andere Laufzeiten möglich. Finanzierung bei einer maximalen Laufzeit von 36 Monaten. Nettodarlehensbetrag entspricht Kaufpreis. Gebundener jährl. Sollzinssatz 9.08%, effekt. Jahreszins 9.47%. Diese Angaben stellen zugleich das repräsentative Beispiel im Sinne des § 6a PangV dar. Vermittlung erfolgt ausschließlich für die BNP Paribas S.A. Niederlassung Deutschland, Standort München: Schwanthalerstr. 31, 80336 München.
Retail Price: 374.85 2
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Delivery time: 2-4 business days

Novastar Novastar Multifunction Box MFN300

Multifunction Box


  • 2 x Ethernet port connection for use at any position within the screen network
  • 2 x External sensor inputs, to add Light / Temperature sensor
  • Audio output
  • RS 232 connection
  • 8x Relay power switch control
The Novastar MFN300 Multifunctionbox is a multifunction box with a variety of auxiliary functions in compact housing. It can be easily added to the screen setup at any desired position within the ethernet screen connection. The MFN300 function box allows you to add a variety of functions such as: sensor inputs to connect Light or Temperature sensors to the screen setup but it also has eight on-board relay contacts, RS 232 connection, audio output.


Ethernet connection: 2x Gigabit ethernet port
RS232: Sub-D 9pin Male
Audio: 3.5mm
Supply Voltage: AC-100-240V-50/60HZ
Operating temperature: -20 ~ +75°
Operating humidity: 0% RH–99% RH
Colour: Black
Dimensions: 186 x 206 x 49mm
Weight: 1,12Kg.

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