
Spezial-Kombi-Case Profi, 14 HE m.Rollen

Item number: 3010999P
Hire purchase from EUR9.11 / month
Other operations times possible
Finanzierung schon ab 9.11 € / Monat - andere Laufzeiten möglich. Finanzierung bei einer maximalen Laufzeit von 66 Monaten. Nettodarlehensbetrag entspricht Kaufpreis. Gebundener jährl. Sollzinssatz 9.08%, effekt. Jahreszins 9.47%. Diese Angaben stellen zugleich das repräsentative Beispiel im Sinne des § 6a PangV dar. Vermittlung erfolgt ausschließlich für die BNP Paribas S.A. Niederlassung Deutschland, Standort München: Schwanthalerstr. 31, 80336 München.
Retail Price: 593.81 2
Available from stock
Delivery time: 2-4 business days
Just in case!
Broad, flexible and totally user friendly. This is not really the characterization of a new mobile phone. No, these are the attributes of our new special-combi-case in the updated professional version and with 14 units. With a wall thickness of 10mm, the case is extremely solid and safe. Due to four carrying handles, up to 100kg can be transported. A special feature is the service door, which is affixed in the back and which can be easily opened with two hinges, or, if necessary can be hung out. This is clearly of convenience if wires or connections need to be accessed. Of great benefit are - beside the handy wheels - the metals which are installed on the upper end. Those can be adjusted sideways and therefore the operation of mixers or similar profoundly alleviate.

TProfessional flight case with castors

  • Professional solution for a complete DJ setput
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