100mm castors with safe weight loading of 400Kg fitted as standard
Including Infinity Stage Tool
The Premium Line cases from DAP are the ideal solution for professional users, regularly moving and storing small to medium sized items. Built in Europe with a perfect fit and top quality finish. It’s made with a high quality core construction from only the finest materials, including 9mm birch plywood, faced with thermoplastic high grade laminates. It is equipped with Penn Elcom hardware and the standard 30mm aluminium angle protects all leading edges, the polyurethane and polyethylene foam interior is exactly shaped to perfectly fit your gear and ensure maximum protection. The DAP Premium Line cases are the perfect choice for professionals.
High grade materials, Penn-Elcom hardware all around and a foam interior to match the shapes of 2 Infinity Furion S201 units perfectly. The Premium line flightcase is ideal for transportation and handling of the Furion units. Inside the flightcases you will also find the dedicated Infinity stage tool, a nifty tool to help you during rigging.
Dimensions: 600 x 800 x 700mm Weight: 41kg Wheels: 4x 100mm swivel (2x brake)
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