OMNILUX MR-16 24V/75W GX-5.3 SP 12° EYF

Item number: 91205800
Hire purchase from EUR0.19 / month
Other operations times possible
Finanzierung schon ab 0.19 € / Monat - andere Laufzeiten möglich. Finanzierung bei einer maximalen Laufzeit von 18 Monaten. Nettodarlehensbetrag entspricht Kaufpreis. Gebundener jährl. Sollzinssatz 0.00%, effekt. Jahreszins 0.00%. Diese Angaben stellen zugleich das repräsentative Beispiel im Sinne des § 6a PangV dar. Vermittlung erfolgt ausschließlich für die BNP Paribas S.A. Niederlassung Deutschland, Standort München: Schwanthalerstr. 31, 80336 München.
Retail Price: 4.16 2
Available from stock Aschheim
Delivery time: 1-3 business days

Cool-beam mirrored lamps

  • More light at a same performance by higher coiled filament temperature
  • Longer lifetime by permanent filament renewal (tungsten parts bond to the gaseous halogene parts even before reaching the glass bulb
  • The temperature circulation has the effect that the tungsten parts precipitate again on the filament
  • Constant light during lifetime, as no bulb blackening occurs
  • Comfortable and fresh, white light
  • Dimmable (blackening of the glass bulb in case of dimmed operation is eliminated by a short operating time at full voltage)
  • Different illumination angles for different application areas
  • Low power consumption
  • Long lifetime (average lifetime 2000 h)
Voltage:24 V
Nominal wattage:75 W
Power factor:1
Beam angle:12 °
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