
Showtec Tool Box

Item number: PL50829
Hire purchase from EUR9.05 / month
Other operations times possible
Finanzierung schon ab 9.05 € / Monat - andere Laufzeiten möglich. Finanzierung bei einer maximalen Laufzeit von 66 Monaten. Nettodarlehensbetrag entspricht Kaufpreis. Gebundener jährl. Sollzinssatz 9.08%, effekt. Jahreszins 9.47%. Diese Angaben stellen zugleich das repräsentative Beispiel im Sinne des § 6a PangV dar. Vermittlung erfolgt ausschließlich für die BNP Paribas S.A. Niederlassung Deutschland, Standort München: Schwanthalerstr. 31, 80336 München.
Retail Price: 600.95 2
Currently not available

Showtec Tool Box

DMX / Wifi / W-DMX cross convertor


Versatile cross convertor
Battery Operated
Wireless Solutions G5 module built-in
The Tool Box is as the name already says a truly versatile device which can cross convert signals.
It can convert WiFi to DMX, DMX to Wireless DMX, Wireless DMX to DMX and WiFi to Wireless DMX.
The Tool Box can run on a power supply or by its internal battery. (4 hours operating with full load)
With all these great options it is a handy device which should be in the tool case of each light operator.
The build in Wireless Module is a G5 generation from Wireless Solutions Sweden and therefor compatible with all popular Wireless DMX products.


Power Supply: 5 VAC
Weight: 0.8 kg
Control Mode: DMX / Wifi / W-DMX
Ambient Temp.: -10 ~ +45 °C
Dimensions: 230 x 78 x 50 mm
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+49 89 90 77 869 - 0
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