
Novastar Novastar DIS-300 Splitter

Item number: PL101651
Hire purchase from EUR9.70 / month
Other operations times possible
Finanzierung schon ab 9.70 € / Monat - andere Laufzeiten möglich. Finanzierung bei einer maximalen Laufzeit von 36 Monaten. Nettodarlehensbetrag entspricht Kaufpreis. Gebundener jährl. Sollzinssatz 9.08%, effekt. Jahreszins 9.47%. Diese Angaben stellen zugleich das repräsentative Beispiel im Sinne des § 6a PangV dar. Vermittlung erfolgt ausschließlich für die BNP Paribas S.A. Niederlassung Deutschland, Standort München: Schwanthalerstr. 31, 80336 München.
Retail Price: 367.71 2
Available from stock
Delivery time: 2-4 business days

Novastar Novastar DIS-300 Splitter

Signal Converter & Splitters


  • Two split modes: one input mode: Input A to 8x Output / or two input mode: A&B to 2x four outputs
  • Each RJ45 port can be independently adjusted, and supports read back parameters from cabinet
The Novastar DIS-300 is specialized for multi-screens and super large led screens. The card possesses two input ports and eight output ports, enabling that one split to eight and two split to four. Functions change automatically. Each RJ45 port can be independently adjusted and supports read back parameters from cabinet.


Inputs: 2 x Ethernet Inputs
Outputs: 8 x Ethernet Outputs
Power supply: AC 100-240V ~50/60 Hz
Power consumption: 3.40W
Operating temperature: -20°C ~ + 75°C
Operating humidity: 0% ~ 95%
Dimensions: 356 x 171 x 45mm

Important note: Configuration of DIS300 can only be done with Nova LCT V4.40!
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